Thursday, April 24, 2008


It's kinda of funny...I been branded by my friends in contradicting ways...One group of my friends say I am goody goody boy, while the other group say I am too beng...Other thinks that I am very lazy while some think I am quite hardworking...When I had centre parting last time, Kxxxxx says I am very beng. I keep side parting, wxxxxx says I am very beng. Now, I had almost no hair and txxx find that beng.WTF
Perhaps, I have been giving people the wrong message and protraying the wrong image, not that I purposely want to anyway. No matter how busy I am or how much work or effort I put in a task, I would not ever say it out like some what people did. I do not really know why some people like to always say, I been very busy lately blah blah blah cause I am doing blah blah blah...Or things like, I need to do this so that I can blah blah blah or you must blah blah blah.
My guess is that people like to protray to others the image that they are hardworking, guai guai and so on. I find this very "untasteful". Giving out an image that is more socially acceptable to society masks one "real" self. There will be one day when people can find the real you, then what happens?
Maybe it is due to this, that I tend to "protray" myself some notches lower than who I am. Cause if you can tolerate or even like, the "lousier" me, there is a higher chance of you liking the "real me".
Why is it that one have to prove to others that they are "dilligently" living out their life? Why is it that people tend to rate others at their face value. I guess that people just want to follow the rules of the society to be accepted but the rules or norm of the society are set by us, right?
Some also think that I am very carefree or heck care cause I always the joker around. To speak the truth, I joke only because I can't find anyone to entertain me enough. Have you ever went out in a group where it is so boring because everyone is just so quiet, unfun and tends to speak among their themselves leaving the few others to die by themselves. I joke in order to bring the whole group together so that everyone can have fun and I branded as a "clown" or someone who speaks rubbish. And sadly, it had become my habit.
No, I am not complaining, just whining...

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