Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 2 of the week

Went for my first Economics lesson today. Almost reach late. Not that I left my house late but two 199 drove past me full. Wait, they were not full but rather the people inside did not have the basic courteousy of moving in. As a result, a few fustrated nie trainees were struck at a stupid bus stop which were so near to the school but yet so far to reach.

I am the only person in the class taking mathematics as my CS2. I think my tutor wasn't quite pleased about it. She feels that Economics is something where you can relate more to our everyday life but not mathematics. I beg to differ. In my view, mathematics is like the foundation on almost everything that we have. We need mathematics for physics, engineering, accounting and so on. Even for Economics, there are a lot of mathemtaics involved, tools that can be used to prove certain theory. For example, the concept of convexity can help us explain the concept of opportuniy cost, increasing marginal return and things which is beyond my understanding. Game theory to understand how firms will react to their competitors.

Sadly, after 4 years of sturdying economics, I will still get struck at somewhere in my specialty. Many concept, theories that I am still not clear about, or discard as time goes by in my journey. I remember beiong ask by one lecturer to define "Full Employment" and it turn out that I do not know how and so does the entire class.

Anyway, my group leader is absent today again. It is so funny that two of my group member still do not know who she is or how she looks like.

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